Saturday, September 8, 2012

Sewing by Numbers

When I was 8 or 9, we had a big trip to the USA, to visit relatives living there.  My Mum came across an 'all year round' Christmas store and picked up a couple of felt stocking kits.  I've been hanging mine out for Santa ever since.  When I started making babies, I wanted to carry on the tradition and make my children felt stockings.  I did well with child #1, and his was made by his first Christmas.  Even child #2 managed to get his by his second Christmas (he was born on December 17th).

As life got busier, and I made MORE children, so their dreams of a handmade stocking started to fade, poor buggers!  Still, with the passing of my Mum earlier this year, I have been reminiscing and I decided that Mum would have been horrified that I hadn't completed one for each of her grandchildren, so I have pulled out the kits that are stowed away for child #3 & #4.

These Bucilla kits are fantastic.  They come with all the beads, thread, sequins and needles that you need, as well as the 'sewing by numbers' felt pieces.  Just follow the the instructions for piece #1, #2 and so on, and at the end you have a fab little stocking that looks amazing and is a great size for Santa to fill (ie, not enormous).

This is Charlies, child #3.

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